Spiritual Care & Support

To provide patients and family members with spiritual support, Spencer Hospital offers chaplaincy services through a collaboration with the local ministerial association.

If you or your loved one would like to have a visit from a local member of the clergy, please ask one of your nurses to contact the hospital operator who can help make arrangements.

At your request, your own minister can be contacted or a member of the local clergy who has offered his or her services to provide spiritual care to patients and family members.

A Quiet Place for Prayer or Reflection

Spencer Hospital has an interfaith chapel located on second floor, adjacent to Elevator B, which is near the Intensive Care Unit. The chapel is open 24 hours a day for those who would like quiet time for reflection or prayer.

Complimentary Reading Materials 

A variety of complementary Care Note reading materials are available in the chapel. Please feel free to pick up brochures at any time.