GEM Nomination Form

Great things happen all the time at Spencer Hospital and we would like to recognize our GEMS - “Going the Extra Milers” - for going above and beyond in providing exceptional service.

What is a GEM?

A GEM goes the extra mile to provide extraordinary service. GEMs are known for:

  1. Serving as a role model for compassion and exemplary practice
  2. Creating an environment that fosters care and compassion
  3. Fostering an environment where the attributes of trust, compassion, mutual respect, continued professional development and ethical behavior are modeled
  4. Motivating co-workers with shared vision and enthusiasm to achieve better outcomes for themselves and for patients
  5. Serving as a mentor to staff
  6. Being accessible, available and responsive to the needs of others
  7. Encouraging critical thinking and problem solving
  8. Promoting and enhancing the image of healthcare within the organization, the community, and the profession

If you have any questions about Spencer Hospital's GEM Award Nomination Form, please contact Candace Daniels at (712) 264-6643 or

To Nominate a GEM:

This employee's skills and especially his/her compassion exemplify the kind of employee that our patients, their families, and our staff recognize as an outstanding role model.

Thank you for taking the time to nominate a GEM!