Clinics' Reminders to the Public: Call First & Visitor Limitations
on Wednesday, March 25, 2020
For the safety of patients and healthcare workers, new visitor restrictions are in place at three local clinics - Avera Medical Group Spencer, Milford Family Care and Sioux Rapids Family Care.
Adult patients are not be allowed to bring guests into the clinic unless clinic staff deems there is a clinical reason for that guest (such as patient safety). Until the time that COVID-19 no longer poses a public health threat, all patients and guests will be screened. Patients with symptoms of fever over 100 degrees, cough or shortness of breath will be asked to leave the clinic and call the appropriate clinic. No guests will be allowed with these symptoms.
Exceptions to the visitor guidelines at the clinic may include the following (Note - These restrictions are specific to the three clinics and may vary from Spencer Hospital restrictions):
- Children under the age of 18 may have an advocate, parent, or guardian. Underage siblings are not permitted to visit.
- Patients with confusion, altered mental status, developmental delays, or agitation, where a family member or advocate can provide safety and support, may have 1 advocate/support person at the discretion of the care team.
- Patients who require an escort for assistance related to mobility, interpretation, or health care decision making may have one additional assistance person.
Patients walking in for ancillary testing only should not be accompanied by a guest.
Advocates, parents and guests who meet the above criteria must also comply with the following instructions:
- Either immediate family members, powers of attorney, guardians or patient representatives
- No guests may be under 18 years of age, unless specified above.
- Guests must be free of fever (by report or measured, if available) OR cough OR shortness of breath that has appeared in the last 14 days.
- Except for transit to and from, guests are to stay in the clinic room for the duration of their visit.
- Guests must follow staff instructions regarding hand washing and use of personal protective equipment
Remember, call your clinic first.
- Avera Medical Group Spencer - (712) 264-3500
- Milford Family Care - (712) 338-2461
- Sioux Rapids Family Care - (712) 283-2723
COVID-19 Call Center:
Hours of Operation: 7AM - 7PM, Monday-Friday
Local: (712) 264-6514
Toll Free: 1-(800)-848-0638