Spencer Family Welcomes First Baby of 2022!

posted on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 in General

The first baby of 2022 has officially arrived at Spencer Hospital’s Birth Center! Baby girl, Rylee Joyce Parish, made her appearance on Monday, January 3rd at 5:36 pm. Parents Jaden and AJ Parish of Spencer were eager for their daughter’s arrival.

“We had a really good delivery experience and the eight hours I was in labor went fairly smooth,” said Jaden. Dr. Travis Witt delivered the healthy baby girl.

Rylee Joyce weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 20.25 inches long. Rylee will be joining her older sibling, Saylor Parish (19 months) at home soon. Grandparents are Cleone and Glenn Rouse of Spencer, IA and Marvel and Tim Parish of Wichita, KS.

The family received a gift basket filled with baby girl items, compliments of Spencer Hospital Gift Shop.

  1. childbirth
  2. children