Is There a Quick Fix to Exercise?

posted by Jason Trierweiler on Monday, May 8, 2017

Have you been searching for a quick fix to your exercise program?  Unfortunately, there isn’t one.  However, the critical component to every successful exercise program is CONSISTENCY.  Too many times a person is consumed with finding the perfect exercise program.  Here is something you need to hear…stop looking!  There is no such thing as a perfect program.  If there was such a thing, every person would buy the program and everyone would do the same thing.  Common sense tells us that it doesn’t exist. 

Exercise is simple but yet confusing.  It is both a science and an art.  People will tell you to try ‘this’ or ‘that’ program because it is the best, but what makes it the best?  It works for them, but it may not work for everyone.  You need to find something that works for you.  I help people with exercise prescriptions all the time and each one is similar but different.  The most important question that needs addressed is how can you be consistent?  Experts can always help develop a program, but ultimately you need to hold yourself accountable. 

My advice for a “Quick Fix” would be simple – 5 more minutes.  For example, if you are not doing anything and not sure where to start, start with 5 minutes.  You can park farther away the next time you go to the store, take the steps instead of the elevator, or walk 2 ½ minutes away from your house (you will get the other half on the way home).  You might already have a piece of exercise equipment at home.  I just told someone this morning to dust off their exercise bike and move it from the basement into their main living room.  You might as well ride the bike if you are going to watch your favorite TV show.  If this describes your current exercise program, you can stop reading this blog and take the next 5 minutes to go exercise.

If you are someone who already exercises consistently, you are clearly doing something right.  The same “Quick Fix” would work for you with a slight modification.  Take your 5 more minutes and work on something else.  Remember, too much of anything is not good for you.  If you are a walker, add 5 minutes of strength training.  If you are a weight lifter, add 5 minutes of stretching.  Try to make an area of weakness become one of your strengths.

I bet you know someone that changed their life with exercise.  Why can’t you be next?  Start with small goals and you will get there…just be CONSISTENT and progress at your own pace.  After all, it is your exercise program.

  1. fitness
  2. wellness

About The Author

Jason Trierweiler

Jason is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. He directs Athletic Enhancement & Adult Fitness, Sports Medicine Northwest, and Cariopulmonary Rehabilitation programs at Spencer Hospital. He graduated with his Master's of Science degree in Health, Physical Education & Spo ... read more